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"Living the Life in the World of Plastic"

관리자 2021-02-23 20:09:23 조회 1592

"Living the Life in the World of Plastic"
By: Mr. Jansy


Look around and you will see that many of the things people use are made of plastic. The tables we dine on, the chairs we sit in, the gadgets we play with, and the clothes and shoes we wear are all partly, if not fully, made of plastic. 


In this period of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the shield we use against the said virus, which was invented in 1862 by Alexander Parkes to originally replace shellac, a material for waterproofing, is none other than plastic! Since day 1 of the dreaded disease, experts all over the world have advised people to wear plastic, in a form of face masks and face shields. Gowns, head covers, and some gloves worn by medical frontliners are all made of plastic.


Now more than a year after COVID-19 first struck mankind, we still depend on plastic for our safety, and for such purpose, it has evolved from things that only cover our body parts. Coming from a long period of shut-downs, many establishments, such as hotels and restaurants, and public transport services, have now been in operation again with strict compliance to safety protocols. Besides denying entry to people who have visible symptoms or do not wear facemasks (and sometimes face shields), fast food joints have plastic barriers placed at the cash register. Hotels and restaurants offer bubble pods for small group gatherings.  Buses and trains also have plastic barriers in between passenger seats. We seem to have already been used to the protocol. Masks have become like footwear -- we can’t go out without it. They are now a household staple. Once the stock goes low, you run to the store to get more. Running out of them is out of the question! 


To reiterate, we have become used to this life. We have put the use of plastic to the next level. While environmentalists around the world rally against the tremendous amount of plastic waste, there is no way we can live without plastic, as if our lives totally depend on it. 


The question is, until when are we going to live in plastic shields? Will there be an end to this kind of life wherein we go out hoping not to come too close to anyone and not caring to recognize who we bump into? We seem to have embraced the new normal, and maybe for many it’s staying for good. For others, one more question remains: Are we ever going back to the old normal where safety does not necessarily mean distancing ourselves and hiding behind plastic?


Waterproofing - is the process of making an object or structure waterproof or water-resistant so that it remains relatively unaffected by water or resisting the ingress of water under specified conditions.

Dread - Fearful expectation or anticipation

Frontliners - or frontline worker is used to refer to anyone who provides an essential service and can't perform their job from home.

Protocols - Code of correct conduct

Staple - a necessary commodity for which demand is constant

Reiterate - To say, state, or perform again

Environmentalists - Someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution


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(Photos: Credit to the owner)





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