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Thanks a lot ~

Kimjack 2012-07-02 10:01:53 조회 1192
I met my new teacher shula 2 weeks ago. She was great because she has good ability in English. Also, she has a good mind. I have learned English on Jim English, of couse, My ex-teacher was a good teacher but, I need a new English for preparing tofel exam. I want to study English in U.S.A. I have a dream for studying U.S.A so, I need a good score in toefl exam. She is waiting for me before my class. I think this is some complimentary. I respect her. I need her help. I will try to study English. She is my sincerely teacher~~ I also will do my best~~

I would also like to thank the staff of jimenglish in Korea and also the Philippine office for their unending support in helping me achieve my goal to get a high score in TOEFL test.
I love staff of Jimenglish in Korea and in Philippine office. They gave me a lot kindness.
I always appreciate them.

목록 수정 삭제

이전 Maila. Thanks. 2012-07-03
다음 나의 새 선생님 실라 선생님^^ 2012-07-02