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Baba선생님과 Grace선생님의 한국여행기 1(2013-08-17)

관리자 2020-01-13 12:31:10 조회 1741

Baba선생님과 Grace선생님의 한국여행기 1

Baba선생님께서 지난 4월2일부터 6일까지 한국여행 후 선생님께서 본인 블로그에 올리신 글을 함께 공유하고 싶으시다며 4월 중순에 글을 보내주셨더랬습니다. 여러가지 핑계(선생님의 글을 어디에 올려야할지 고민하다..)로 이제서야 Posting합니다.^^; 총 4회에 걸쳐 정성스러운 글을 보내주셨으며 빠른 시일 내에 올리도록 하겠습니다.

“One day I will visit Korea” was the reply I gave to all my students who ask me if I had ever been in Korea. Yes, thiswas an aspirationI havehad since I started teaching three years ago. Now, it has become a reality due to the kindness and the desire of Jimenglish to share the culture of Korea to its teachers.
It wasn’t easy preparing for the trip knowing the rigid visa requirements set by the Korean Embassy. However, I kept a very positive attitude that my prayers will be answered and that everything will come to pass. Eventually, the visa was granted and I was set to go! Now, there was no obstacle anymore from stopping me in fulfilling my dream to see Korea.


April 2, Monday at 1:15am, our plane departs summery Manila to the country known to me only through stories and books. I sleep the hours away and it is a fast 4-hour flight; we even arrive 40 minutes early. During the flight, the pilot informs the passengers thatthe spring weather in Korea is 3 Co!!!Oh…it gets me all the more excited!!!! This is it!

A long drive to Yong-in allows me to experience the usual Korean traffic on a Monday morning! My tummy is a bit hungry and there is no wasting time when we reach Yong-in. First stop, breakfast at a 24-hr diner where we have three bowls of steaming Bulgogi, Kimchichigae with pork and the other dish with clams, rice and side dishes. Wow, what a way to have my first Korean meal! I am full and satisfied!

After unloading our bags, we leave for the Korean Village and meet my student who is working there! My student, my tour guide…what a great privilege! The village has many special performances like traditional wedding ceremony, drummer dancers and Mongolian horse riders. It is entertaining and educational.

A late lunch follows at Ms.Jina’s favorite diner where we have special noodle soup which to me is already a sufficient meal. However, rice topped with seaweeds with crispy bacon and cheese inside follows. I think I wouldn’t finish it, but it’s so yummy, there’s no leftover!.....Oh, it is really good!!!!

We then proceed to the famous Jimjilbang spa of Korea; it is nothing compared to the Wensha spa in Manila! Again, a special treat for me to have a hot and cold pool bath. The facility has many different spa rooms like the salt room, coal room, jewel room and a good massage on a chair. People can just sleep and relax for hours on the marbled heated floors….and so I doze-off for an hour. Zzzzzzzzzz.

Energized after an hour,I try a refreshing fruit drink and cool Popping Soup…which is very similar to the Filipino dessert halo-halo, but this one has rice cake!

Not long after, we prepare for dinner at the Lee’s residence. I am so excited to meet my bosses’ family and it is a joy to have a special dinner in a typical Korean home. Again, so much food is home-cooked for us which we all share and enjoy so much like a family. Top it off with fresh strawberries, apples and oranges for dessert!

With all these activities just for the first day, I wonder what is in store for us the next day. I have a warm and cozy sleep tonight. Zzzzzzzzzzz. 

목록 수정 삭제

이전 Our Korea Adventure 1 - Teacher Eliza (June 10-14, 2013) 2020-01-13
다음 South Korea Trip May 2017 2017-12-15